Mark and Matt both had 20lb plus fish !!!!!

This trip had been booked and planned for some time and the goal was a 20lb Scottish Pike. We all couldn't wait to get on the water and see what was going to happen. As usual on the journey to the Loch we were dreaming of massive Pike but nothing had prepared us for what was going to happen over the next 3 days.
After arriving at the venue nice and early I had a couple of spots i mind but as usual the weather was going to dictate where and how would could fish but we settled in a spot and started fishing. First cast a very nice Pike for Matt so we were all thinking some thing special was going to happen and then boom 30 minutes later a 25lb Pike in the net !
Mark with his 25lb fish!

The Pike just kept coming and we ended up with 8 fish on the first day many of them over 10lb ! Every fish handled with care and safely returned.

The second day we were all thinking nothing can top that but Matt pulled this beast out a little over 20lb ! Mark also had a good fish that day of over 10lb!

The third day was going to be interesting as we changed venue and tactics. We ended up catching Pike, Perch and Rainbow Trout it honestly doesn't get better fishing than this. Great company, great fishing and more amazing memories made.

For more information on all inclusive guided fishing trip please get in touch.
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