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Carron Valley Reservoir "wild fish"

Absolutely stunning day clear blue skies and just a slight ripple. Carron Valley has a huge population of wild brown trout and I couldn't wait to get out onto the water. I was thinking its gonna be difficult conditions with not a cloud in the sky but what a day it turned out to be.

After a quick chat with Jimmy the owner who gave me the heads up on fly selection and locations around the loch I started fishing diawl bachs on a floating line. But realised quickly the fish were holding about 3 - 4ft deep. So changed to a little bit of a special fly which had a tungsten bead to keep it in that zone for longer and the fish just kept coming. 10 to the net and probably more lost a fantastic day. This venue is big and can be a bit daunting for a new angler but I decided to have an hour at each spot and see what happened a good tactic when learning new venues.

I'm hopefully going to spending a lot more time at Carron Valley they have excellent boats and facilities not to mention the scenery is some of the best in Scotland so if you fancy a trip please get in touch.


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